Monday, June 21, 2010

Part 2 – Important Point from the book Self Discipline in 10 Days by Theodore Bryant

Understanding Subconscious Belief Systems


1.       To improve your self-discipline you need to shift your self-defeating beliefs from your subconscious into your conscious. Then and only then can you effectively deal with them.

2.       Self-discipline problems occur when people don't apply the appropriate tools that work best at a particular stage.

3.       The main four stages of the self-discipline process are:

a)      Decision to act

b)      Preparation

c)       Action

d)      Completion/Maintenance

4.       If you pay proper attention to the Decision Stage and the Preparation Stage, you maximize your chances of success at the Action Stage and the Completion/Maintenance Stage.



"All or Nothing" & Visualization


1.       The prevalent but irrational "All or Nothing" attitude is what keeps gambling houses worldwide pulling in billions. The "All or Nothing" gambler always ends up with NOTHING.

2.       Power Tool: Visualization -  All of your actions and non-actions are directed by the mental images that you create about your chosen goal or project. When you choose a goal or project, your mental images will either support your efforts or oppose your efforts.

3.       Visualization is self-talk in Hyde's favorite language. So to offset Hyde's negative influences. You need to replace Hyde's self-defeating mental images with supportive mental images. When you choose a project or goal, you can also choose mental images that make you less susceptible to Hyde's resistances while simultaneously programming your subconscious mind to motivate you and magnify your powers of perseverance.

4.       Consciously create vivid mental movies that involve your senses. Let's say that your goal is to start rising an hour earlier to exercise. Then every day for a week or two before you rise earlier for the first time, visualize yourself doing it. Hear the alarm. See yourself stretching and rising. Smell the morning. Then see yourself doing specific exercises.

5.       Practice visualization every day for a week before you go into the action stage of your project.

6.       Visualization prior to action will firm up your commitment, increase your confidence, validate your ability, motivate you, and most important, it will reduce Hyde's influence.

7.       Visualization works best when you visualize all the specifics of the activity you want to do. In your mind: see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the location, clothes, room, temperature, details, etc. Make it real. The more you practice visualization the easier it will become. So, mentally, many times a day, for a few seconds, use visualization to experience yourself doing what you want to do. Visualization is quick, easy, and remarkably effective.


"I Must Be Perfect" & Reward Systems


1.       Perfectionism weakens perseverance. And perseverance produces more achievements than talent, smarts, or luck. Indeed, the path to accomplishment lies in perseverance.

2.       Power Tool: Reward Systems  -  Rewards are the easiest, most effective psychological motivators available to get you started and keep you going until you complete your projects.

Posted via web from trading-odyssey's posterous

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